Well after two years of debating Ash and I decided that I should go for it and purchase a scooter. So we headed to Scooter World KC and purchased a brand new Stella by Genuine Scooter Co. It is fabulous!
I have only taken it out in our apartment complex until I have taken the driving license exam and had some more time on the scooter in a controlled area.
I love it and our neighbors love talking about it. Every time I go out on it I get people coming out on their balconies to watch. It is pretty comical.
You know with gas prices continuing to soar I am grateful that I have a scooter that gets 90 miles to the gallon.
I will post a picture of the scooter when I get a chance। I love it! I highly recommend everyone getting one. A warning though for anyone considering getting one. Do not purchase a scooter from the web, especially ones from China. You will regret it.
Hey, nice scooter! Wish I had one.
Ainsley is so cute! I like the orange!
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